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英文主旨发言 专题报道2:杨信彰教授

时间:2019-04-01 点击:作者:

XinzhangYang:Nouns and Verbs in English Science Textbooks

原创:杨信彰整理:张艳梅   2019-4-1  


2019年3月29日至31日,由3868银河总站和中国学术英语教学研究会联合主办,外语教学与研究出版社、上海外语教育出版社、北京文华在线教育科技股份有限公司协办,3868银河总站承办的“新时代跨学科复合型英语人才培养模式国际研讨会“在3868银河总站成功召开。研讨会共有12位来自海内外的知名专家做大会主旨发言,其中杨信彰教授、雷蕾教授、Karl Maton Jinyan HuangJohn SpiridakisBruce Morrison六位专家全程用英文做主旨发言。现将六位主旨发言的发言摘要6篇依次整理或简要介绍,以飨读者。








Verbs and Nouns in English Science Textbooks

YANG, Xinzhang

Xiamen University

Science textbooks are an importance source of disciplinary knowledge for students. However, disciplinary knowledge varies from field to field in the textbook register and the lexicogrammatical features of each discipline is unique in its own way. From the perspective of systemic linguistics, verbs and nouns -- two important word classes -- can be the lexicogrammatical realizations of processes and participants respectively in the transitivity system. Transitivity realizes the field of discourse. Field, as one of the contextual factors of the text, refers to what is happening and the nature of the social action that is taking place, including subject matter. In order to understand how disciplinary knowledge is presented linguistically in science textbooks, this presentation aims to take a close look at the use of verbs and nouns in the science textbooks of ecology and astronomy and to investigate the features of their transitivity patterning, with particular focus on the patterning of ‘the experiential center of the process + participants configuration’. This study further proves the fact that knowledge field plays a fundamental role in shaping the choice of verbs and nouns in scientific discourse and that the linguistic analysis of this kind can enhance students understanding of vertical discourse and thus contribute toteaching language for academic purposes.  

Key words: nouns, verbs, transitivity, science textbooks


上一篇:英文主旨发言 专题报道3:Jinyan Huang

下一篇: 英文主旨发言 专题报道1:Karl Maton



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